
It’s Healthy Vision Month!

It’s Healthy Vision Month! Make Your Eye Health a Priority Women are more likely to have eye-related diseases and conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. Nearly two-thirds of blindness and visual impairment occurs in women, and women make up the majority of the 4.4 million Americans age 40 and older who are blind or visually impaired. You may be busy, on the go, and caring for your family, but it is important that you make the time to take care of you! During Healthy Vision Month, held each May, Friedberg Eye Associates and the National Eye Institute (NEI) reminds you to make your eye health a priority and encourages you to take five important steps to protect your sight.  Get a dilated eye exam. Getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the best way to know if your eyes are healthy and you are seeing your best. Talk to your eye care professional about how often you should have one. If you want to see what your eye care professional...

Know the Score: Wearing Eye Protection Prevents Players from Getting Benched Due to Injury

Sports-related eye injuries cause an estimated 100,000 doctor visits each year . Yet, most of these injuries can be prevented by wearing eye protection. In fact, a recent study of high school field hockey players shows that traumatic eye injuries fell 67 percent after eye protection became mandatory.i In support of Sports Eye Safety Month in April, Friedberg Eye Associates and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are offering athletes of all ages guidance on how to best protect their eyes. Common sports eye injuries include corneal abrasions, lacerations and bleeding in the eye . Basketball players tend to get poked in the eye with fingers. Tennis and softball players more often get hit with fast moving balls. In contact sports like football and martial arts, more severe ocular injuries such as retinal detachment and orbital fracture occur. One-third of sports related eye injuries happen to kids . The good news is that 90 percent of eye injuries can be prevented with the use of pro...

Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Long touted as good for backs and necks, proper desk ergonomics are also important for the health and comfort of the eyes. In support of  Workplace Eye Wellness Month  in March, Friedberg Eye Associates and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are offering tips to desk workers everywhere whose eyes may need relief from too much screen time. Many people who spend long hours reading or working on a computer for their jobs experience eye discomfort. Focusing on tiny type for hours on end can cause eye strain, fatigue and headaches. Staring at screens for long periods can also leave eyes parched, red and gritty-feeling. One reason dry eye affects computer users in particular may have to do with blinking. Every time the eyelid closes, it washes moisture over the front of the eye. Normally, people blink about 14 times a minute or so. Focusing the eyes on computer screens or other digital displays has been shown to reduce a person’s blink rate by a third to a half, drying out eyes a...

New Treatment for Skin Revitalization Now Available

Friedberg Eye Associates is pleased to offer a simple, easy way to remove undesirable vessels and sun damage from the face and body.  Now with Icon TM Aesthetic System, Andrea Friedberg, MD can offer reliable comfortable treatments without surgery or downtime. Icon TM uses optimized light technology to target and destroy the underlying causes of common aesthetic concerns.  This clinically-proven technology requires fewer treatments and produces visibly lasting results.  Skin revitalization treatments are performed in less than 30 minutes, without any disruption to your normal activities. "This powerful technology provides quick and comfortable treatment sessions while producing lasting results - clients can now embrace their beautiful looking skin." said Andrea Friedberg, MD. "Additionally, Icon TM is the only pulsed light technology in the world to utilize an FDA-cleared melanin reader, to help us safely tailor each treatment to our clients skin type, life...

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Seniors are at heightened risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness among older Americans. The disease damages central vision, limiting a person’s ability to read and recognize faces. Approximately 2.1 million Americans had AMD as of 2010. This number is expected to double to more than 5.4 million by 2050. Meanwhile, fewer people are aware of the disease compared to other eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.  To help raise awareness of AMD as Valentine’s Day approaches next month, Friedberg Eye Associates and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are reminding seniors that their eyes need love, too. There are steps they can take to take better care of their eyes and protect themselves from AMD-related blindness. Here are five eye-loving tips: • Get regular comprehensive medical eye exams.  AMD often has no early warning signs, so getting regular comprehensive eye exams from an ophthalmologist is critical to diagnosing and treat...

COMING SOON - New Treatment for Sun Damage & Unwanted Facial Veins

Friedberg Eye Associates is pleased to soon offer an optimized light skin revitalization treatment that can quickly and easily remove undesirable brown spots, sun damage and facial vessels from the face and body leaving you with younger, more beautiful looking skin. Sun spots, age spots and facial veins seem inevitable as we age even if we try to protect ourselves from the sun.  This skin revitalization treatment is performed with the Icon TM which uses pulses of light to gently deliver energy to your face, chest, or hands targeting and destroying unwanted pigment and vessels. "We are excited to soon offer our patients a practical and highly efficient treatment for pigment and vessels that's quick, non-surgical, and requires no downtime," said Andrea Friedberg, MD.  "This unique technology provides excellent results in just a few treatment sessions." For more information about our skin revitalization treatment, or to schedule a consultation con...

Glaucoma Awareness Month

Happy New Year to All! M illions of people in the United States are at risk for blindness, and some do not know it. During January’s Glaucoma Awareness Month, we are urging everyone who may be at risk for glaucoma to see an ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam.   We recommend that those at risk have an eye exam at least every year.  Those at highest risk for glaucoma may include: Anyone over age 60 African-American heritage Hispanic heritage Patients with other health conditions, such as diabetes Those that have experienced a serious eye injury Patients with family history of glaucoma Patients who have been on steroid medications, including inhalers and nasal sprays, treatment for asthma, kidney disease and arthritis. Glaucoma is a condition in which the optic nerve is damaged by high pressure inside the eye and other factors such as poor blood flow.  The most common type of Glaucoma is Open-Angle Glaucoma in which pressure in the eye builds up slowly an...