Do You Suffer from Dry Eyes?
Some people do not produce enough tears to keep the eye comfortable. This is known as dry eye . Tears are produced by two different methods. One method produces tears at a slow, steady rate and is responsible for normal eye lubrication. The other method produces large quantities of tears in response to eye irritation or emotions. Tears that lubricate are constantly produced by a healthy eye. Excessive tears occur when the eye is irritated by a foreign body or when a person cries. What are the symptoms of dry eye? Stinging or burning eyes; Scratchiness; Stringy mucus in or around the eyes; Eye irritation from smoke or wind; Excess tearing; Difficulty wearing contact lenses. A film of tears, spread over the eye by a blink, makes the surface of the eye smooth and clear. Without our tear film, good vision would not be possible. The tear film consists of three layers: An oily layer - produced by the meibomian glands, forms the outermost surface of the tear film....