Tips on Purchasing Sunglasses
Sunglasses make it easier to see on a sunny day, whether out on the road or the water. However, wearing the right sunglasses is also a great defense against ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause short- and long-term eye damage. These are the most important factors to consider when purchasing sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun: Make it 100 percent. The single most important thing to look for when buying sunglasses to protect your eyes is a sticker or tag indicating that they block 100 percent of UV rays. However, fewer than half of people buying sunglasses bother to check whether the lenses protect the eyes from ultraviolet light, according to the Academy's 2014 national sun safety survey . Bigger is better. The more coverage from sunglasses, the less sun damage inflicted on the eyes. Consider buying oversized glasses or wraparound-style glasses, which help cut down on UV entering the eye from the side. Darker lenses don't protect better. While very...