COMING SOON - New Treatment for Sun Damage & Unwanted Facial Veins

Friedberg Eye Associates is pleased to soon offer an optimized light skin revitalization treatment that can quickly and easily remove undesirable brown spots, sun damage and facial vessels from the face and body leaving you with younger, more beautiful looking skin. Sun spots, age spots and facial veins seem inevitable as we age even if we try to protect ourselves from the sun. This skin revitalization treatment is performed with the Icon TM which uses pulses of light to gently deliver energy to your face, chest, or hands targeting and destroying unwanted pigment and vessels. "We are excited to soon offer our patients a practical and highly efficient treatment for pigment and vessels that's quick, non-surgical, and requires no downtime," said Andrea Friedberg, MD. "This unique technology provides excellent results in just a few treatment sessions." For more information about our skin revitalization treatment, or to schedule a consultation con...