New Treatment for Skin Revitalization Now Available

Friedberg Eye Associates is pleased to offer a simple, easy way to remove undesirable vessels and sun damage from the face and body. Now with Icon TM Aesthetic System, Andrea Friedberg, MD can offer reliable comfortable treatments without surgery or downtime. Icon TM uses optimized light technology to target and destroy the underlying causes of common aesthetic concerns. This clinically-proven technology requires fewer treatments and produces visibly lasting results. Skin revitalization treatments are performed in less than 30 minutes, without any disruption to your normal activities. "This powerful technology provides quick and comfortable treatment sessions while producing lasting results - clients can now embrace their beautiful looking skin." said Andrea Friedberg, MD. "Additionally, Icon TM is the only pulsed light technology in the world to utilize an FDA-cleared melanin reader, to help us safely tailor each treatment to our clients skin type, life...