Learn About LASIK

A lot of our patients ask if we provide LASIK surgery.  When it comes to something as important as your eyes and your vision you want to see a surgeon you can trust.  We care about where we refer our patients and we care about proper follow up.  That is why we work closely with Kremer Eye Center. We refer our patients to Kremer because we know you’ll benefit from the expertise of some of the most renowned surgeons and specialists in the region. They have over 30 years of experience, experience you can rely on.   Friedberg Eye Associates will co-manage your laser vision correction procedure and see you for a pre-op and post-ops to ensure you receive the finest care.

If you would like to learn more about LASIK you can join Kremer Eye Center on Tuesday, April 2nd at five convenient locations, to learn everything you want to know, and how the new iFS BLADELESS laser can dramatically improve your LASIK outcome.  This December, Kremer was the FIRST in the region to integrate iFS bladeless technology into its LASIK procedure.

Simply go to kremereyecenter.com/springlasikseminar and fill in the information to register for their FREE seminar and claim $600 off LASIK.

Their doctors will be there to answer any questions you may have.  Register for free, no obligation LASIK Seminar on Tuesday, April 2, 2013!
For attending, you will receive $600 off LASIK!

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