Have Droopy Eyelids?

Complete eye health includes having healthy eyelids.  Common eyelid problems include droopy eyelids (ptosis), eyelids that turn inward (entropion) or outward (ectropion), excessive skin or laxity of the skin and lesions or cancerous tumors of the lids.  These problems may cause:
  • Eye discomfort
  • Dry eyes
  • Red and tearful eyes
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Limited vision
  • Sensitive to wind and light
  • It can also affect your appearance
Ptosis (pronounced "toe-sis") can either be apparent at birth (congenital) or develop with age (involutional).  Ptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid droops.  

A child with congenital ptosis may tilt their head backward in order to see, so the condition does not always lead to poor vision.  Children with this condition should be examined by an ophthalmologist (eye MD) because they may have other associated eye problems.

Involutional ptosis develops with aging.  It may worsen after other types of eye surgery or eyelid swelling.  Ptosis may limit your superior, side or even your central vision.  If ptosis occurs in one eye, it may create an uneven appearance.  

Surgical lifting of the muscle that opens the eyelid will often lead to better vision and improve appearance.

Ectropion is an outward turning of the lower eye lid.  This condition is caused by age but sometimes eyelid trauma or skin disease such as cancer can cause this problem.  Ectropion can cause dryness of the eyes, excessive tearing, redness, and sensitivity to light and wind. Surgery usually restores the normal position of the eyelid, improving these symptoms.

Entropion is an inward turning of the lower lid.  Entropion also occurs most commonly as a result of aging.  Infection and scarring inside the eyelid  are other causes of entropion.  When the eyelid turns inward, the eyelashes and skin rub against the eye, making it red, irritated, watery, and sensitive to light and wind.  If not treated, an infection may develop on the cornea.  With surgery the eyelid can be returned to its normal position.

Surgery can help to eliminate these problems and is done as an outpatient. A CO2 laser is usually utilized for these procedures. Dr. Andrea Friedberg will properly diagnose the problem and recommend the best type of treatment to alleviate the symptoms.  The improvement in vision, comfort and appearance can be very gratifying.

If you feel that you suffer from these conditions, call us at 856.845.7968 to set up a consultation with Dr. Andrea Friedberg.

This message was brought to you by Friedberg Eye Associates and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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