Dry Eye Center of Excellence

We are officially an Accredited Dry Eye Center of Excellence!  

Are you one of the millions that suffer from Dry Eye Disease?  
Dry eye disease cases go undiagnosed because sufferers misunderstand the symptoms. See the list below, if you have two or more symptoms you may have dry eye disease.

Dry Eye Checklist
  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Fluctuation of vision
  • Feeling of sand or grit in eye
  • Contact lens discomfort
  • Light sensitivity
  • Watery eyes
  • Tired eyes
It is essential for your tears to get analyzed if you have these symptoms.  We have breakthrough technology from TearLab, patients can be tested in our office and get results immediately.  

How is the test administered?
Our technicians will take a sample of tears from each eye and use TearLab to measure osmolarity.  Osmolarity is the accepted standard for diagnosing Dry Eye Disease.  The sample required is very small thanks to TearLab's advanced technology.  The TearLab Osmolarity Test will give us a measurement of the health and stability of the tear film.  Once the doctor determines the osmolarity number, a treatment regimen will be tailored to the patient's specific condition.

Ask us about the advanced TearLab Osmolarity Test.

For more information about Dry Eye Disease visit www.allaboutdryeye.com.


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