6th Annual Ophthalmic Medical Technicians’ Week

     November 2-6 is the 6th Annual Ophthalmic Medical Technician’s Week and Friedberg Eye Associates is giving special thanks to their hard working and  great technical staff.

Ophthalmic Medical Technicians improve the delivery and quality of eye care and are crucial members of the eye care team. The role of Ophthalmic Medical Technicians is constantly evolving; technicians are now involved in almost every aspect of helping run an ophthalmic practice. 

Ophthalmic Medical Technicians’ Week is a combined effort of the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO), the Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology, Inc. (ATPO), and the Contact Lens Society of America (CLSA) to recognize Ophthalmic Medical Technicians and their contribution to eye care, and to make the public more aware of ophthalmic careers.

Top row starting from left:  Gina, Michele C.O.A.*, Danielle, Elyse C.O.A.*, Ann 
Bottom row starting from left:  Nancy, Julie C.O.A.*, Jennifer, Bet C.O.A.*, Diana 

*Certified Ophthalmic Assistants through JCAHPO

To find out how you can become an Ophthalmic Medical Technician visit: www.jcahpo.org.


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