
Showing posts from 2015

Great Gifts for you, your Family and Friends!

Tis the Season, now is the time to rush around to pick out gifts for all the loved ones in your life.  If you are stuck we have great gift ideas: Gift Certificates - Give the gift of sight or beauty this year!  Great for IPL, Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal, Dry Eye Treatment, a Complete Eye Exam, Contact Lenses and much more. BOTOX - $10 per unit.  Great for brow area, crows feet or forehead. Juvederm - $500 per syringe.  Filler for "Parentheses", lines and lower facial rejuvenation. Radiant Skin - Complimentary Microdermabrasion with facial IPL treatment or $75 for one Microdermabrasion. Silky Smooth Skin - Dermamed Eye-Radiance K'reme TM 6 month supply for $42.80.  Decreases puffy dark circles under eyes. Georgeous Lashes - 6 month supply Latisse Kit $110. ($20 savings) Glasses - Get 10% off Frames. (not to be discounted or combined with any other discounts.)

Safe Toys & Celebrations

 This holiday season is a time for family, fun and celebration, but also a time to think about safety.  During December’s Safe Toys and Celebrations Month we encourage everyone to take a number of steps before purchasing toys, sports equipment, opening a bottle of champagne, and even going near the Christmas tree.   Every year we see many eye injuries that seemingly safe and innocent toys can cause.  That is why we are urging patients to purchase safe toys and gifts this holiday season and all year long.  Before a toy is purchased one must check toy labels for age recommendations and select only those gifts that are suitable for the child’s age and maturity level.  We do not recommend purchasing toys or games with sharp, protruding or projectile parts. Every year 40,000 sports related eye injuries occur.  Most accidents occur this time of year.  Sports equipment may cause permanent vision damage and most of the victims are children.  We r...

Dry Eye Education

There are two main forms of Dry Eye disease. Are you treating the right one? Tears are necessary for your overall eye health. Dry Eye occurs when the eyes do not produce sufficient tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. Without proper treatment, inadequate tears can make daily activities frustrating, affecting your personal and professional life, from reading to watching TV, to driving or working on the computer.  The most common form of Dry Eye is Evaporative Dry Eye, which affects 9 out of 10 (86%) Dry Eye cases. 1 This form results from a shortage of oil in your tears caused by a blockage in your eyelid (Meibomian) glands, leading tears to evaporate faster than normal. This lack of tear oil is often referred to as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).   Now, with the breakthrough LipiFlow® technology, it’s possible to directly treat the root cause of Evaporative Dry Eye. If you think you suffer from  Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) call us tod...

Diabetic Eye Disease

We are observing DIABETIC EYE DISEASE this month.  Did you know that you are at risk for blindness if you have Diabetes?  Here are some facts to know about diabetes and diabetic eye disease: There are 29 million Americans that have diabetes. 10 million of those who have diabetes are at risk for vision loss because they do not know they have the disease. Diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma all affect those with diabetes. 5.3 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among working-age  Americans. Many patients diagnosed with diabetes do not comply with vision care guidelines.  The longer a person has diabetes, the greater the risk for diabetic eye disease.  Patients can develop diabetic retinopathy, get cataracts at a younger age, and chances  of developing glaucoma are doubled.  Because November is Diabetic Disease Awareness Month, we are increasing the aw...

6th Annual Ophthalmic Medical Technicians’ Week

     November 2-6 is the 6th Annual Ophthalmic Medical Technician’s Week and Friedberg Eye Associates is giving special thanks to their hard working and  great technical staff. Ophthalmic Medical Technicians improve the delivery and quality of eye care and are crucial members of the eye care team. The role of Ophthalmic Medical Technicians is constantly evolving; technicians are now involved in almost every aspect of helping run an ophthalmic practice.  Ophthalmic Medical Technicians’ Week is a combined effort of the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO), the Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology, Inc. (ATPO), and the Contact Lens Society of America (CLSA) to recognize Ophthalmic Medical Technicians and their contribution to eye care, and to make the public more aware of ophthalmic careers. Top row starting from left:  Gina, Michele C.O.A.*, Danielle, Elyse C.O.A.*, Ann  Bottom row startin...

Not Enough Tears?

Introducing the latest technology in Dry Eye Therapy.   LipiFlow® could be your first step to relief! Our doctors will perform a series of evaluations to determine the likely cause of your Dry Eye. This can include a LipiView tear film assessment and a Meibomian gland evaluation. Knowing what is causing your Dry Eye will help your doctor determine the best treatment option. LipiFlow® is a procedure designed to treat the root cause of Evaporative Dry Eye, blocked Meibomian glands.  LipiFlow® works by applying directed energy to the eyelid near the affected glands — precisely targeted warmth from the back of the eyelid, and slight pressure from the front. This treatment is performed right in our office. Imagine returning to doing the things you enjoy, without thinking about your eyes.   Talk to us at your next appointment if you think you suffer from dry eye.

Woodbury Eyewear Specials

Our Optical Dispensary is dedicated to providing top-quality and technologically-advanced services to meet all your eyewear needs.  Our skilled licensed opticians will assist you in selecting the frames and lenses that are just right for you. This time is an exciting time of the year in our optical shop.  We have specials and promotions available so stop in today to take advantage! Or call 856.845.7571.  Don't forget to visit us on the web  and like us on facebook !

October is Halloween Safety Month

To avoid a real-life Halloween horror story – going blind because of a costume accessory – the American Academy of Ophthalmology is warning the public against wearing costume contact lenses purchased without a prescription. These illegally sold cosmetic lenses may not be sterile and can cause a host of serious eye problems capable of morphing a fun Halloween night into a nightmare. Tiger eyes, checkered pupils: non-prescription decorative lenses also called cosmetic, costume or plano contact lenses come in many different patterns and colors. In 2005, after reports of them causing eye injuries and infections, the Federal Drug Administration classified all contact lenses as medical devices and restricted their distribution to licensed eye care professionals, effectively banning sales of non-prescription contact lenses. Despite that, these items remain available on the internet, in convenience stores and at flea markets. Below are four frightening ways that non-prescription decorat...

Welcome the Newest Member of our Team!

To our patients at Friedberg Eye Associates &  Woodbury Eyewear It's an exciting time for Woodbury Eyewear as we continue to grow and strive to remain motivated and responsive to our customers. We are very pleased to announce that John Pinizotto has joined Woodbury Eyewear as a licensed optician in September 2015. John has more than 30 years of experience. You may recognize John from Ralph Bullock Opticians in Woodbury Heights, NJ. John attended Camden County College in 1984 and won the Norman Snedeker Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement.  Please stop in to say hi, we're glad to have him on board! Sincerely, Friedberg Eye Associates & Woodbury Eyewear

September is Healthy Aging Month

September is healthy aging month.  There are many things you can do to help you age gracefully and healthy.  Taking measures to protect your eyesight is one of them.  Preventative eye care can help ensure that everyone has good vision throughout life.  Eye conditions and diseases can strike at any time in life, destroying healthy vision. In the United States, one in six Americans over age 65 has a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. This is often caused by common eye conditions and diseases. Among older Americans, visual impairment is one of the most significant contributors to loss of independence; it is also associated with a higher prevalence of chronic health conditions, falls, injuries, depression and social isolation. Here are some steps you can take to keep healthy vision as you age. Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam. A dilated eye exam is the only way to detect diseases in their early stages.  During a co...

Contact Lens Health Week

It's contact lens health week and we are promoting healthy habits!  You only have one pair of eyes so it is so important to take care of them.  Did you know that you put yourself at risk of an eye infection or worse everyday if you do not properly take care of your contact lenses?  Not many patients are aware of the risks involved so we are going to review the simple steps you can follow to protect those precious eyes. 1.   ALWAYS , I REPEAT, ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before you touch your eyes or your contacts. Do not use hand sanitizer , use soap and water.  Contact lenses will pick up anything left behind on your fingertips including lotions, dirt and grime, bacteria, etc. So make sure your hands are always clean.  It is best to use a lint free towel to dry your hands. 2.  We recommend that you limit your wear time as much as possible.  Dr. Friedberg suggests wearing your glasses and taking a break from your contact lenses ...

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

A ugust is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, The American Academy of Ophthalmology and Dr. Prieto recommend screening infants for common eye problems at their regular pediatric appointments, as well as vision screenings for all children starting at approximately three years of age.  Some vision problems can be corrected and the effects reversed if detected and treated early.  If visual symptoms or other risk factors are found during a vision screening, the child should then be referred to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist for a comprehensive eye exam. Did you know that one-quarter of school-aged children have vision problems?  Eye conditions that may affect children include:  Amblyopia Strabismus Ptosis Refractive Errors  Congenital (or inherited) eye disorders Amblyopia can be prevented or reversed if it is detected early.  The treatment of amblyopia first requires attention to the underlying cause.  Glasses or contact lenses are prescrib...

What We Do to Treat Dry Eye Disease

I f you suffer from dry eye, we will offer you treatment options.  Many treatments for dry eyes are available without a prescription.   We are an Accredited Dry Eye Center so we will use the TearLab® Osmolarity Test to evaluate the effect of your treatment and if necessary make changes to ensure the best outcomes for you. Treatments for dry eyes may include: Artificial Tears There are many artificial tears available over the counter. If your eyes dry out while you sleep, you can use a thicker lubricant, such as an ointment, at night.  We will recommend specific drops you may use. Plugs (temporary and permanent punctual occlusion) Sometimes it is necessary to close the ducts that drain tears out of the eye. Temporary or permanent plugs can be inserted to hold tears around the eyes longer. Many patients find that plugs improve comfort and reduce the need for artificial tears. Restasis® For the treatment of chronic dry eye, Restasis is currently the only...

Dry Eye Center of Excellence

We are officially an Accredited Dry Eye Center of Excellence!   Are you one of the millions that suffer from Dry Eye Disease?   Dry eye disease cases go undiagnosed because sufferers misunderstand the symptoms. See the list below, if you have two or more symptoms you may have dry eye disease. Dry Eye Checklist Redness Burning Itching Fluctuation of vision Feeling of sand or grit in eye Contact lens discomfort Light sensitivity Watery eyes Tired eyes It is essential for your tears to get analyzed if you have these symptoms.  We have breakthrough technology from TearLab, patients can be tested in our office and get results immediately.   How is the test administered? Our technicians will take a sample of tears from each eye and use TearLab to measure osmolarity.  Osmolarity is the accepted standard for diagnosing Dry Eye Disease.  The sample required is very small thanks to TearLab's advanced technology....

It's Dry Eye Awareness Month

What Is Dry Eye? Some people do not produce enough tears to keep the eye comfortable.  This is known as dry eye. Tears are produced by two different methods.  One method produces tears at a slow, steady rate and is responsible for normal eye lubrication.  The other method produces large quantities of tears in response to eye irritation or emotions.  Tears that lubricate are constantly produced by a healthy eye.  Excessive tears occur when the eye is irritated by a foreign body or when a person cries. Tear production normally decreases as we age.  Although dry eye can occur in both men and women at any age, women are most often affected.  This is especially true after menopause. Dry eye can also be associated with arthritis and accompanied by a dry mouth.  People with dry eyes, dry mouth and arthritis are said to have Sjogren's syndrome. Symptoms of Dry Eye Include: Stinging or burning eyes Scratchiness Stringy mucus in or around the e...


Forget your sunglasses – no big deal, right?  Think again.  Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a known culprit for painful sunburns and melanoma, yet few adults associate it with serious vision problems. But unprotected exposure to UV rays can have very serious eye consequences – especially over the lifetime. A study by The Vision Council found that 40 percent of U.S. adults do not wear sunglasses outside, increasing unfiltered exposure to the sun. This statistic is troubling but the good news is that wearing UV-protective sunglasses can prevent damage and reduce the onset of vision diseases. Here’s a look at the benefits of wearing sunglasses every day:  The Good:   Sunglasses Reduces UV-related eye damage:  UV-protective sunglasses block dangerous UV rays from reaching the eye.  A host of vision problems can occur from UV exposure,  so limiting eyes’ vulnerability to the sun can mean healthy eyes and vision well into adulthood. Protects eyes ...

CareCredit - Healthcare Credit Card for Better Vision

There is an easier way to pay for your vision care including Cataract Surgery. We're pleased to accept the CareCredit credit card, North America's leading patient healthcare financing program. CareCredit lets you begin your procedure immediately — then pay for it over time with monthly payments that fit easily into your monthly budget. Whether you're considering LASIK, need cataract surgery, or it's simply time for new glasses or contacts, CareCredit can help you see clearer, sooner. Your healthcare credit card CareCredit is the credit card exclusively designed for healthcare services. CareCredit offers special financing on purchase of $200 or more* for healthcare procedures not commonly covered by insurance, including LASIK and Premium-IOLs. Why put off improving your vision tomorrow, when you can see clearer today? Learn more by visiting or contacting our office. Ready to apply? Apply Online for your CareCredit card today. You’ll be seeing c...

June is Cataract Awareness & Fireworks Eye Safety Month

CATARACT M ore than 20 million Americans over the age of 40 have cataracts.   A cataract is a gradual clouding of the clear lens in the eye, the part that focuses light and produces clear images.  As old cells die they become trapped.  As time passes, more cells die and accumulate causing the lens to cloud, making vision blurred and dim.  Cataracts form slowly and painlessly, but can eventually lead to blindness. Cataracts can be caused by metabolic diseases such as diabetes, an injury to the eye, medications, long-term exposure to the sun, eye surgery, congenital defects or aging. If you experience any of the following schedule an exam: Blurry vision, with no pain Glare, or sensitivity to light Double vision in one eye The need to read with brighter light Poor night vision Dull or yellowed image Family history of cataracts Medical problems, such as diabetes High salt intake Long-term, unprotected exposure to sunlight Eye Injuries...

Change Your Eye Color with Air Optix® Colors

Your eyes are the first thing people notice about you and can reveal a lot about your personality.  You can express your unique personality now changing your eye color.  AIR OPTIX® COLORS contact lenses are the newest addition to the AIR OPTIX® family of breathable contact lenses that lets you focus on your life, not your contact lenses. They provide stunning eye color and outstanding comfort.  They are available in a full range of beautiful colors. For a subtle look try: Pure Hazel Green Blue Gray Brown For a vibrant look try: Honey Gemstone Green Brilliant Blue Sterling Gray Visit the COLOR STUDIO to customize your look and upload your photo to try them on virtually. If you have already had your contact lens exam just call our office or send as an email  to try them out.  If you need to schedule your contact lens exam visit our patient portal . 

Come Visit us at Local Health Events

Did you know that Friedberg Eye Associates attends local health fairs? We recently attended Senior Health and Fitness Day at Auletto’s Sponsored by Gloucester County Freeholders.  The event was a huge success and we sent two of our best technicians out to participate in caring for and educating the senior citizens who attended. Come visit us at the next health fair to brush up on your ocular knowledge and receive a glaucoma screening by one of our certified ophthalmic technicians. Our next health fair is at River Winds Community Center for National Senior Health and Fitness Day.  The event will be held on Wednesday, May 27th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  See you there.

Healthy Vision

May is Healthy Vision Month , and we are reminding patients that eye care is for everyone.  Preventative eye care can help ensure that everyone has good vision throughout life.   Eye conditions and diseases can strike at any time in life, destroying healthy vision.   Infants and toddlers should be screened for common childhood eye problems, such as strabismus and amblyopia, during their regular pediatric appointments.  Vision testing is recommended for all children starting at around 3 years of age.  Some warning signs in children include wandering or crossed eyes, family history of childhood vision problems, redness, discharge, a disinterest in reading,  viewing distant objects closing one eye when outside, or excessive blinking. Young adults and middle-aged patients can be affected by eye problems also.  Those at risk for disease include people with diabetes, those over age 60,  African-Americans over age 40,  patients who w...

Spring is are your allergies

S easonal allergies affect more than 35 million Americans each year  and can have a tremendously negative impact on an individual’s quality of life. Tree pollens in April and May, grass pollens in June and July and mold spores and weed pollens in July and August add up to a five-month barrage of eye-irritating allergens. Triggered by the same allergens that cause intermittent allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is the most commonly occurring ocular allergy. A part of a wide array of allergic conditions that involve inflammation of the conjunctiva, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by a combination of ocular itching, inflammation, watering and redness. If seasonal conjunctivitis is bothering you, here are some tips that can help: Study your geography . You can monitor tree, grass, weed and mold spore counts for your particular geographic area. That way you can determine when it might be best to stay indoors, thus minimizing exposure to irritating ...